Lassgård Kaffe Founders Featured in the Latest Issue of Swedish Femina Magazine!

Lassgård Kaffe Founders Featured in the Latest Issue of Swedish Femina Magazine!

Jan 15, 2024

We're thrilled to share some exciting news with our beloved Lassgård Kaffe community! Our founders, Hanne and David, are prominently featured in the latest issue of Femina Magazine, showcasing their journey and passion for crafting exceptional coffee and how they ended up in the Mecca of Specialty Coffee!

It's not just about the coffee; it's a tale of dedication, love, and a commitment to creating something extraordinary. We invite you to grab a copy of Femina Magazine and get an inside look into the world of Lassgård Kaffe. Join us in celebrating this wonderful recognition and the passion that fuels our coffee journey!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates and heartfelt moments from the Lassgård Kaffe family. Cheers to the power of dreams and the joy of a perfect cup! ☕🎉 #LassgårdInFemina #CoffeePassion #DreamsComeTrue"


femina David Lassgård Kaffe Rolf Min sanning

femina Hanne lassgård rolf Kaffe min sanning svtfemina Hanne lassgård rolf Kaffe min sanning svt specialkaffe

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